An evil motive is not necessary to mislead or abuse. Sometimes a firm conviction that we're right, left unchallenged, is enough to cause abuses. -- vienne
Thank you, vienne, for triggering a memory. We who worked at Bethel believed our work meant salvation for those who took hold of the skirt of a Jew, i.e., accepted the the truth as espoused by the anointed remnant. One dear anointed sister -- Sister Kraker -- worked in subscriptions. When I was there for a matter I cannot recall, she held up a yellow Awake! form and said that represented the possibility that the recipient of the magazines, via the mail, would learn the truth.
I cannot speak for everyone else, of course, but those close to me bound books and magazines, distributed them in service, and used their contents during meetings to edify the listener. Even the higher ups I knew well or simply observed about their work, were sincere in their service to Jehovah and their fellowman. The pursuit of monetary gain and ulterior motives -- if present at all -- were surely well hidden from me.
Yet, as I look back now, I understand the reality of what you wrote regarding abuses incurred. Is this, in our now contrite state, the realization of the law of unintended consequences?